
October is almost here.....

and with October comes crisp mornings which can't possibly be embraced without a delicious mug of cappuccino. I'm not a particular fan of the over-sweetness of most cappuccino mixes you buy in the store, which is why I came up with a recipe of my own! You'll be amazed at the simplicity of this gem. You probably already have the ingredients in your cupboards!


Mocha Cappuccino Mix


1/2 C.    Instant coffee
1 1/4 C. Powdered milk
1/2 C.    Cocoa powder
3/4 C.    White sugar
1/2 tsp.  Nutmeg
1/2 tsp.  Cinnamon

I find the recipes I fall in love with are the ones that require only basic ingredients I keep on hand. And this Cappuccino recipe is one just like that!

Combine instant coffee, powdered milk, cocoa, sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon in a bowl

 Whisk or stir WELL to combine

Transfer to air-tight container. That is if you have any left after the kids each drink a cup, not to mention your three cups!) It's just that good.

 This cappuccino mix is great as a hostess gift, party favor, or to put in a Christmas cookie basket.
To prepare, add 2 tablespoons of cappuccino mix to 8 ounces of hot milk. Stir and Enjoy!
For a less creamy drink or if you're on a (shhhh...did she just say diet?!) use hot water instead of milk.
Happy sipping!


Cuddles: Judson

There's truly nothing quite like a sweet newborn.

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
 before one of them came to be. "

Meet Judson...

Happy Friday!!


Recent Happenings (or not so recent)

This poor blog has been QUITE neglected, to say the very least. So, I shall do my best to bring it up to date on what's been happening.
 On September 2, 2012 I moved back home to SC after serving at the Bald Eagle Boys Camp Ice Shack for 5 months. It was a wonderful summer with so many memories made and exciting things experienced. While there, I was asked to become  "Mrs Nisly" by the most wonderfully sweet man in my life. We got married on November 9, 2012 just two months after I got home from PA. Now, after being married for a bit over a year, I can't imagine life any other way. God has blessed us tremendously.  To see more from our special day go here.

And now I shall post the photo shoots from the previous year.... (I dated the posts when I took the pictures so you may need to go back to 2013) Enjoy!


Family: The Pooles

Wonderful wonderful family. Judith hosts "Pintrest days" during the winter months to give some of the ladies time to work on projects they have going and socialize with other women at the same time. Its a wonderous time of encouragement, sharing ideas, coffee, delicious food, and becoming better friends.
You can tell, they radiate with the love of Jesus. I know He's the center of their lives.
Blessings to all of you!

  Meet the Pooles.

 My personal favorite.



Family: The Weavers

This couple was married the same month Matt and I were, now we live in the same community. I spent 5 months with Beka's sister at the Ice Shack so it feels like we have this kindred connection. They have a precious little angel now and we're so blessed to call them friends.

Meet Gerald & Beka and Kylie

Blessings to your little family!